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Tuesday, 21 August 2007

People, people, people!

Some worthy bloggers (Graham and Stuart) have been discussing ‘leaders and followers’ and ‘leading and managing’. I indicated that I would post something which is close to my heart and connected to this.

Some time ago, I was reading from Exodus, and was struck by Ch.28, v.9-12 and v.29-30. These verses describe the priestly garments - how the names of the 12 tribes were to be engraved on two onyx stones, which were to be set in gold filigree and then fastened to the shoulder pieces of the ephod – “Aaron is to bear the names on his shoulders as a memorial before the LORD.” Then – “Whenever Aaron enters the Holy Place, he will bear the names of the sons of Israel over his heart.” And - “Thus Aaron will always bear the means of making decisions for the Israelites over his heart before the Lord.”

Prior to reading this I think God was (and still is) speaking to me about people – that it’s all about people, people, people – to love God first, and then to love others. Perhaps I’m over-simplifying this, however, I think that if we first love God and seek His love so that we can truly love others, then marvellous things begin to happen! For the body to function properly, each individual part requires nourishment – the nourishment of love, care, acceptance, respect, and value. When the parts of the body are fully nourished, they will be fit and able to fulfil their God-given ministries.

For this to happen I believe that all of us, especially leaders, are required to ‘bear the names of their people over their hearts when they go before the Lord’. When churches are led in this way, leaders are ‘leading’ rather than ‘managing’, and ‘followers’ feel that the part they have to play is just as essential – that they are valued, and what they do is meaningful – and that’s leading back to last Sunday’s sermon………….


Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

Sheena C said...

Thanks Perdita - glad you find it useful. Although I posted this some time ago, I still feel the same - most important thing we can do is love God and love people.