Then yesterday it was the 65th birthday of one of the ladies who has been coming along to Summer Cell Group. We had a great night celebrating with her.
All the celebrations and flowers and cakes and gifts are absolutely wonderful – but it occurred to me that these things are not sufficient in themselves. The really important thing to me on my birthday was the knowledge that people actually care! A birthday with no cards or gifts, but with caring folk around you, is a good day! A birthday with mountains of cards and gifts, but no-one to share it with, is surely a sad day.
I would love to know what everyone else liked best about their last birthday?
I have been thinking long and hard about this and am concerned at how difficult it is to even remember my last birthday!! Old age is well and truly setting in... Highlights- well, it's hard to beat the 'Mummy' cards from my two wee darlings and the lovely cards and nice thoughts which came my way. However, the prize goes to my hubbie with the surprise gift of an ipod shuffle, possibly the coolest thing I possess!!!
Extremely cool! Therefore, on this degree of coolness, old age cannot possibly be setting in!!
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