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Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Is it me?

As always, caught the bus to work this morning and, as always, it was difficult to find a seat.

I used to get annoyed when I saw young, fit people continuing to sit when older people, or women with shopping or young children had to stand. Inevitably it was older, rather than younger, people who gave up their seat to those in greater need.

However, it got worse! People often sit on the aisle seat and do not bother to move over to the window seat to give someone else a seat. And this morning took the biscuit! I struggled to find a seat - folk were either sitting on the aisle seat or were using it for their bags - and you would be suprised how unwilling they are to either move over, or put their bags elsewhere.

This world is crying out for a kind touch. I feel sad when people are genuinely surprised when a stranger does them a kindness, or smiles at them. As Christians, what an opportunity we have to show love and compassion! Our light can shine brighter when it's pretty gloomy out there!

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