I visit our daughter and grandson one day each week. When I was there last Friday, Catriona was working upstairs while I amused Iain Joseph. At one point she flew into the room, grabbed her camera and galloped up the stairs. When she reappeared, she had a photo of a small bird of prey which had killed something on her lawn! We would love to know what this bird could be? It was quite small - much smaller than a Kestrel.

Tonight I attended my husband's graduation - he recently passed his SVQ level 3. The graduation was a nice occasion, held in a nice hotel - the weather was good, there was a very pretty garden with a pipe band playing Highland Cathedral, and everyone all dressed up! One of Joe's friends and I cheered him on as he took to the stage to receive his certificate. I'm sure it all passed really quickly for him, but I have the photos to remind him, and a framed copy will go beside the photos of our two daughters at their graduations!
Still trying to imagine what a cat who is "off-colour" looks like!!
Hope she is doing better now!
Congrats to Joe!
Perhaps "off-colour" is not the best phrase to use to describe an unwell cat - maybe she was looking 'pawly'? (Sorry!)
Update is that she seems much better thanks - eating well and getting under my feet as usual!
will pass Congrats to Joe!!
Was the bird by any chance a golden eagle? Quite majestic they are, and fairly common around Clackmannanshire, I believe!!!
Well done to Joe, looking dashing as ever!
Although I am aware of how common the golden eagle is in Clackmannanshire, I feel quite sure that this bird was too small to be an eagle - unless, of course, it was very young.... !!
I have passed on your greeting to 'dashing Joe'!
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