'Muse' for obvious reasons - 'Whether' this is a good idea or not!
Is it wise to inflict my random thoughts on the (few) who may read them? Why is that we always have so much to say, every day, on any topic - until we are given a blank page?
Anyway, here I go - an electronic adventure............
Welcome to Blog world Sheena. Looking forward to your musings/poems/reflections/daily news.
Hello Sheena! Great to see that you have joined the blogosphere too! And you are right - it always seems much harder to fill a blank page than to speak in person with someone!!
Well done Sheena! Life certainly begins at...no, don't worry, I won't post your age for the whole web to see!!! But birthdays, helicopters and blogs all in the same week- can't wait to see what's next!
Thank you for reading and posting comments! I'm in a state of shock actually - birthdays, flying helicopters and now authoring a blog - I can't wait to see what's next either!! On the other hand, perhaps I should slow down a bit....!
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