Here in Scotland, we have recently had more storms than we have experienced in the past. The storm of last Tuesday (January 3rd) was so strong that it moved our very heavy shed off it's base!
Today I was tidying up in the garden, and around the greenhouse in particular. Having lost a greenhouse to a fairly wild storm on 31 May, my daughter and I had taken the precaution of removing the panes and stored them in the (now leaning!) shed. However, there were a couple of panes we could not remove - one in the roof skylight, and one just above the door.
Tuesday's storm removed the skylight one for us, which we have rescued and brought inside. However, the one above the door is still in place: this pane is, by far, the smallest pane of them all.
What struck me was that we don't have to be big and strong to weather storms. All we really need is to be securely anchored - and sometimes that happens best when we are very small - because we are not relying on our own strength but are, instead, standing on the Rock.
Not only do we not have to be big & strong to weather the storm, in some ways it's only acknowledging our smallness & weakness that we can see (and therefore be reassured by) how well anchored we are when we're in His strength.
Amen Kevin!
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