Continuing with New Year Resolutions, I have finally arranged a monthly donation to
I've been meaning to donate to WaterAid for a long time, as I feel that this charity can help many people in many parts of the world, and because water is such an essential of life.
I know that, most of the time, I take the safe water in my taps very much for granted. And, although I moan a lot about the amount of rain we get here in Scotland, I think it is preferable to a total lack of rainfall, which often means failed crops, leading to hunger.
I'm donating £2 a month to WaterAid - a bargain I think!! Anyone care to join me?
Hi Sheena, checking in on your blog. I stopped drinking bottled water once we watched a video at church about how blessed we are to be able to drink clean tap water. It's amazing to know how many people die of water-borne illnesses and how inexpensive it would be to prevent that. Did you know that it would cost less to provide everyone in the world clean water than Americans spend on ice cream every year? Our church has a non-profit that installs clean water filters in Fiji and Mexico.
Very interesting that not many people are aware of the subject!
Great to hear from you Lindsey - and great to hear how you (and your Church) are responding to the world clean water issue. I too am surprised at how little awareness there is about this.
Steve - thanks - I now follow your Blog.
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