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Thursday, 25 October 2007


As autumn is here, I thought I would dig out a very early poem ....

Through bursts of sun and flurries of rain
The trees stand solid
Amid perfect circles of leaves fallen at their feet
They allow nature to work its change.

Leaves line the driveway, orange, yellow, red
Autumn's rainbow
Cyclamen blossom beneath the tallest birch
The giant beech
Spreads ruby boughs, offering shelter.

Beacons of light glow against green
Lemon, scarlet, amber
Cheering the afternoon's gloom.
The breeze stirs
Treetop leaves whisper farewell to autumn's darkening sky.

Copyright Sheena Conroy, 1998, "Lasting Treasures", p. 38, Triumph House: Peterborough,
HB ISBN 1 86161 444 6, SB ISBN 1 86161 449 7


Anonymous said...

I just love this time of year with all the freshness and colours. We are so fortunate to live in a country which has 4 beautiful and varied seasons. And your poem captures it beautifully!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Graham! You may be interested to know that this poem was written following one of the visits to Carberry Tower.