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Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Family Update

Well, we've all had some kind of cold, cough or headache - however our elderly cat, Tasha, is much improved!

Despite this, we have been kept busy, busy, busy. Joe and I have both attended training recently. Joe attending training to become part of our local Healing Rooms team, and I was at my Christian Worker's Certificate Study Day. We have both been busy with Church things of one kind or another and, on Thursday, our house will be turned upside down when new radiators, fire and boiler are installed!

We have also been socialising - thoroughly enjoyed dinner with friends at the weekend and last week our youngest grandson, Iain Joseph, celebrated his first birthday! Our other grandsons have birthdays soon - Lewis will be 9 in November, and Stephen will be 7 in December............ then it's Christmas!

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