Catriona and wee Iain Joseph visited us recently, and I can't get over how quickly Iain Joseph is developing.
He is now crawling, so Catriona will be kept on her toes!!

Last week I took a wee trip down Nostalgia Avenue! As a birthday present, a friend bought me a concert ticket to see The Animals & Friends. Before they hit the 'Big Time' in the 60s, they were the resident band at the club where I worked in Newcastle upon Tyne. I really enjoyed the concert - good music, I unexpectedly met a friend who was there too, and I even got to chat to the band afterwards - great musicians and really nice guys too!
I wondered where you had got to - welcome back!
Nice to see Iain Joseph growing - he's getting as big as his grampa!!
My line manager went to the Animals concert last week too - did you see her?? Somebody asked her if it was busy - and she said it wasn't bad, and I chipped in and said "yes, there were 11 folk in the crowd!". Between my line manager and her hubbie, you and the friend you met - I think I've nearly accounted for everyone! Stop showing off that you were chatting to them (sad groupie that you are, hanging around the stage door for 2 hours afterwards!) - or else with just 11 there everyone got to chat to them!! Joking aside - glad you enjoyed the night.
Aww wow, he really is getting big! So is Iain Joseph!
Glad you like the concert and you got to meet the band! Hopefully see you tonight!
x x x
Have passed on both of your comments to my hubby!
To set the record straight - the band came down to the auditorium after the show, to chat with folk, and to sign cds etc. The question is - if they hadn't, would I have hung around the stage door???
I may well have seen your line manager Graham - but not necessarily have known it was her!
Debbie - thanks again!
Where have you gone?
Why are you no blogging???
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