Three weeks ago our church held a 'Cambodia Evening' - we ate Cambodian style food, heard about folk we know who are working over there, saw some photographs and a film. It was a great evening!
It also brought back memories of seven years ago, to the day, that four of us from the church made a visit to Cambodia. A trip that had lasting effect on my life - the people, the poverty, the fact that there were no 'safety nets' and that life there is lived 'on the edge'. I also remember how close I felt to God during that trip.
I wrote one or two poems while we were over there, and this is one of them....
Two Girls
Intense heat blankets everything
An overcast sky blocks out the sun
Holds the warmth close around us
As we walk through red dust
And muddy puddles
Towards a bridge of planks
Over a stinking stream
Where shanty huts stand in black water
And rubbish spills over the mud.
Motos and bicycles jostle for space
Careering close to the water's edge
Women with baskets of fruit balanced
Across their shoulders or on their heads
A pick-up truck rattles across
Not stopping as people scatter.
And through the confusion
Of noise, and smell, and dirt
Two school girls
In pristine white blouses
Calmly negotiate the bridge,
Deep in conversation
On their way home.
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