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Monday, 17 June 2013

Small Things

It’s been a rough few weeks with one thing or another.  However, I’ve given myself a shake and have been concentrating on blessings rather than problems.  Yesterday I appreciated all over again some small but lovely things:

The comfort of my favourite flip-flops – beginning to wear, but so comfy I’ll wear them until they fall apart

The deliciousness of the day’s first cup of coffee

A banana – ripe, but not too ripe – stops me feeling hungry and I know it’s healthy

The lovely scent of tomatoes as I open the greenhouse

The ‘chirruping’ of our two guinea-pigs when they hear me passing their hutch

Being able to watch on television, from start to finish, a great tennis match

Hearing my grandson chuckling at the antics of the players at a charity tennis match

Watching evening fall........................................................


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