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Monday, 6 July 2009

Is there anyone out there?

So very long since I last posted anything that I will be very surprised if anyone is actually still reading this Blog!

This coming weekend I will be meeting up with a number of school friends. I am going to be staying with one of my closest friends, whom I've known since we were at Infants School, but we haven't actually seen each other for a long time. So I'm wondering if we will all recognise each other! Those who have attended Reunions before tell me that, after the first few moments, everyone is totally recognisable and the years simply melt away.

I am very much looking forward to meeting up with everyone and finding out about their life journeys. If folk are happy for me to do so, I will post some photos in a future post.


Anonymous said...

Hope you had a wonderful time
Sheena with your closest friends.
Life goes past too quickly and its
good to keep in touch. Look forward to viewing your photos.

SheenaC said...

Thank you - I had a lovely weekend!! Will post some photos once I get them organised.