Here's a Christmas poem I wrote last year.

We have travelled for so long I can barely remember home,
Or what it is like to sleep in the same place every night.
We have rested in the tents of strangers, a palace, and simple homes,
And many times slept under the star, the one that shines so bright.
The nights are very cold, and the days so hot and airless,
As we walk and rest, walk and rest, get up and walk once more.
We stop for food and water at busy meeting places,
And under palm trees men talk in tongues I’ve never heard before.
We travel as if searching, unsure of our destination,
And no-one seems to care why we follow this star.
But steadily I follow my master, for he is certain,
That this star is special, this star that has led us so far.
At last the star halts – have we found what we’re looking for?
I thought we were going to visit a king or a prince!
Instead we are here, standing in straw
Amongst livestock in a rough and dirty place.
But at the end of the building
I see my master and his friends kneeling,
And he is smiling, such a smile upon his face,
As the precious gifts are given to the family
And a baby – a baby who somehow shines,
And I feel love and peace in this place,
So I settle,
And rest,
At last.
1 comment:
Happy Christmas to you too Sheena!
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