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Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Random thoughts.........

Immediately after my computer recovered, I suddenly became very busy. Various reasons - waiting to see if my work contract was being renewed, writing assignments for my CWC course, suffering with a sore throat and taking our Tasha to the Vet.

Sadly, Tasha has heart problems - she is quite elderly - in human terms she is approaching 105! We take her back to the vet on Monday to get her checked over again, and to collect some medication.

Joe and I celebrate our Wedding Anniversary on Friday, Sarah will be spending Saturday afternoon with us and our middle grandson, Stephen, will be 7 on 11 December. I know we all say it, but time passes so very quickly!

The last couple of Sundays, I have just felt so blessed to be part of my wee Church!! There is such a sense of family. A week past Sunday I was struck by how many folk were quietly ministering to those around them who needed a hug or a kind word. Last Sunday we were blessed with a real sense of worship and, again, that sense of family - I understand that some visitors so felt this that they have said they will be back.

There has been much discussion of what the Church is, and what it should be doing - should we be seeking to 'do' Church in a different way, so that folk who are not from a Church background can relate to what goes on in Church, especially during Sunday services. Most of the discussion has been at a level that I struggle to fully understand, so I have not often contributed. However, I think that the last couple of weeks at my Church may have provided part of the beginning of the answer........

Finally - to bloggers more experienced than I - other than by leaving comments, how do we know if anyone is reading our wee posts or not? Seems such a waste of time otherwise............


Graham said...

Hi Sheena

I don't use blogger - so not sure if there is any way that you can monitor your stats and hits! Maybe better that you never know! You'd actually probably be surprised - you tend to get hits from all over the world!

I for one enjoy your blog and your poems (need more!) and want to encourage you to keep going. It's therapeutic if nothing else for you!!??

Anonymous said...

Hi Graham, thanks for comment.

As you say, may be better not knowing how many are reading, or not, as the case may be. Just that it sometimes feels like typing myself a letter!! However, as you point out, that could well be somewhat therapeutic........

I will post another poem.......