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Saturday, 30 November 2013


As we approach the 1st of December and all that advent brings, how good it is to see the community spirit of kindness, care and help as has been displayed over the last 24 hours in Glasgow following the tragic helicopter accident last night.  The latest I have heard about is a taxi company offering to help those who can't afford to visit their loved ones in hospital.

Such a conflict of emotions: the heartbreak of loss and injury for so many on the one hand, and on the other, pride in the heartfelt courage and generosity of so many Glasgow folk.

 How I would love to see a similar spirit, in the whole of this country, amongst those who have power, position, wealth and control. Come on those in government, banking, big business (including the energy suppliers). Come on those in the media - share the good news for a change! Come on all shareholders and profiteers. Come on all councils, organisations and employers. Come on all of you who don't have to worry about paying any of your bills this winter. Come on - put greed down, for it will ruin this world eventually - put greed and self-interest down - please!

How I long to see, all over this country, the spirit of Scrooge before the visits of the three ghosts, replaced with the spirit of Scrooge as he became on Christmas morning!