I read recently about two UK Christian women who have been barred from wearing a cross whilst at work. They are taking this to the European Court of Human Rights. The UK government intends to oppose their case, arguing that wearing a cross is not a 'requirement' of the Christian faith and, therefore, employers can ban employees from doing so, and can dismiss them if they insist.
My questions are - why would employers ban anyone from wearing a cross? What possible harm can it do anyone? Presumably then, other workers are allowed to wear items which are considered to be 'requirements' of faith. Why would these give less offence to people of other faiths, than a cross does to folk who are not Christian? What has happened to human rights in this country? What has happened to live-and-let-live, tolerance, acceptance and respecting other people's beliefs?
Maybe we should look at make the wearing of a cross a 'requirement' of the Christian faith?
But I forget myself. Christ did not come to bring us rules, regulations, codes and laws: He came to bring us freedom.