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Thursday, 29 May 2008


...... caught a bit of "Britain's Got Talent Tonight" and there were some very talented young people performing. Their parents were talking about how proud they are of them, quite rightly, and that made me think. I'm proud of our children too. I'm proud of Sarah because she copes, most of the time, with her disabilities with a smile. I'm proud of Catriona because, despite panic attacks, she has achieved so much. I'm proud of Nathan because, although he left school early, he has worked his way up to a manager's post. There are many other reasons that I'm proud of them - but I think they are the people I should be saying this to, so I will!

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Photos of Brazil

A wee rant

As mentioned in my last posting, Joe and I have just returned from a holiday in Brazil - amazing, fascinating, and we had opportunity to rest. However, at church this morning I was chatting to folk who asked for my impressions and (like so many other countries that I have visited) my overall impression is one of overwhelming contrast between the very rich and the very poor.

I just feel so dreadfully frustrated that there is so much wealth in the world - and so much poverty. I could jump up and down screaming with the injustice of it all!!! Yet, that is tinged with the guilt of being able to go to another part of the world on holiday .........

I know that many others must feel the same. But, what can we do? Can we do anything?

We're home.

Home - always good to be home, no matter how great a holiday. We had some adventures in Brazil, some brilliant experiences, and I'm going to attempt to put some advice/suggestions on Trip Advisor.
What did we miss while we were away? Joe missed a decent cup of tea - tea, as we know it, could not be found! I missed people. What do we miss about Brazil? The warmth and being right beside the sea.
I'll post some photos soon.